Directors Message

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My crisis to develop Guru Amardas Public High School into a dynamic and productive institution has seen many phases and the seedling has blossomed farwide ranging academic pursuits Education is the basis of creating a society. In the coming times, education along with knowledge and skills will become the prerequisties to success. We have to strive and make children succeed in all their endeavours.Our role as parents/teachers should be to equip them with the necessary knowledge,skills and attitude to achieve there goals and deal effectively with day to day situations in the long run.

We at Guru Amardas Public High School have dedicated and competent teachers ,who are doing their best to fulfill the aspiration of all those who have very faithfully handed over their children to us. We work very hard at Guru Amardas Public High School to create a happy, well ordered and friendly atmosphere in which students feel that they are recognized and valued as individuals. The range of activities in this school is enormous and the students are encouraged strongly to make good use of them in the belief that they will find something at which they can excel. The discovery of new talents and skills breeds self confidence. Our task is to bring hidden gems to light and then to clean, cut and polish every one until they gleam. We are dedicated to tha proven liberal ideals of education. We educate for life and aim to give the students who arrive as children and leave as young adults. something that will help them to gain self confidence and a sense of achievement that ultimately prepares them for challanges that lie ahead

disawar satta king